Day 1 - Let the torture begin!

Our trainer, Joanna Blackerby, started kicking our butts from Day One. Our first day of the challenge consisted of what felt like a zillion squats, push-ups, sit-ups, heismans, etc. in the gym with our trainer Joanne walking around to correct our form.

When it was over, I thought to myself "That wasn't so bad"...then I walked down the stairs to leave the gym and the pain in my thighs started kicking in. This worried me since the pain from working out usually doesn't hit me until 24 hours later. If it was starting now, how am I going to feel tomorrow? :(

So, you would think that day one would’ve started at 6am on Monday morning, but you would be mistaken. The day really started the night before while I was going to bed, mentally preparing myself for what the next morning had in store, as well as forcing myself to go to bed early.

Day one started with very little warm up and whole lotta squats, lunges, jumps, and push ups and sit ups to finish it off. The amount of squats, lunges, and combinations thereof was insane. I might look like I am decent shape, but I know that I am most definitely not. I was hurting about halfway through. I knew my legs would be hurting “oh so bad.” Joanna was tough on us, but that’s the deal we made. No going back now.

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