
Roman: The beginning of our first day of two workouts in one day.  Start the day off with a 2 to 2.5 mile run. We were told that this would be the morning part of our two-a-day and the weights would be part of our evening workout. Well, were pleasantly mistaken. And I really do mean that in a good way. We all ran extremely well and finished ahead of what Joanne had initially thought. We ran so well in fact, that we had enough to time to do our evening workout right after our run. We did the “300” workout. A workout named after the movie and one of the also one of the workouts they did. The idea, if you haven’t figured it out, is to do a combination of exercises until you reach 300 total reps as fast as you can. Included in our version are kettlebell swings, pushups, bow to the queen (a special version of the lunge with a kettlebell), thrusters with the kettlebell, bear crawls (stationary and moving forward), 6 to 3 to 6 to 9, mountain climbers, and finish it off with a some pull ups (super set). I’m sure I’m missing some exercises, but that’s ok. If I remember them, I’ll make an addendum to the post. It was rough doing our two-a-day in one hour, but it was nice to finish it up all at once. 
Vicky: Looks like Roman pretty much summed it up. I'll add that I was so happy when Joanne said that we didn't have to come back to the gym that evening.

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