Week 2 - Just another manic Monday

Vicky: Roman and I woke up late, if you can consider 5:33am late! We rushed to get dressed, scarf down a pre-workout meal of 1/2 bagel with peanut butter (me) and granola (Roman), drink it down with some water, and make it to Anytime Fitness on time.

When we arrived (right on time), we warmed up while waiting for Joanne. Once she got there, she told us to pair up, with one person on the TRX (Total Resistance Exercise) suspension system, which are basically straps hanging from the ceiling with handles, and the other in front with a kettlebell. I'm tired, so I think I'll let Roman recap and describe the rest of the workout...

Roman: So here we are at the beginning of the second week. We begin the day with a little jump rope warm up and a review (for those that showed up last Wednesday) of the TRX System.  To learn more about the TRX System, go here. It’s a pretty sweet system! It might just be my new favorite tool. We also used a kettlebell to do swings and some power cleans. It was something that I hadn’t done in a long time and boy was I sore later. We also managed to do some abdominal specific work which something that we hadn’t focused on.  We finished it up with a five minute intense cardio session to top it off.  All in all, not a bad day.

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