Made it

Roman: Made it to this workout, no alarm necessary. Warmed up with a nice “almost mile” loop. Once back inside Jason had us do ten rounds of ten reps of power cleans followed by ten squat jumps. This was not easy at all. Freddie and I switched off between a 50lb barbell and a 60lb barbell. It was rough. Then after we get done with that, Jason had us move to kettle bell dead lifts and split jump lunges for ten rounds of ten reps for both. Again Freddie and I switched off between 40lb kettle bell and a 50lb kettle bell. For whatever reason, we managed to charge through with relative ease. Maybe the last four weeks are starting to pay off?

Vicky: It's definitely easier to make it to the evening workouts. I'm sorry I made it to this one, though, because Jason did not take it easy on us AT ALL! The girls (Erin, Austin, and I) did the same thing that the boys did, but we alternated between 3 different weights, maxing out at 40lbs, if I remember correctly. I think I did more than I should have. I will definitely be sore from these!
By the way, the girls finished WAY before the boys, who were a bunch of chatty cathy's!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's true. Like little old ladies.
